Thanks to everyone who entered my Custom Tile GIVEAWAY!
I told to pick a number between 1 and 50 and it came up with….
They don’t call it a random number generator for nothing.
#50 is Jessica from Boy Terrain
Congrats Jessica! I am sending you an email now.
To everyone else who wasn’t a winner… I loved reading your ideas on what you might put on a tile. I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to offer the first five people to email me a tile for $15 + shipping. I’m going to be offering these in my etsy shop for $35, so $15 is a steal.
EDIT: If interested, send an email to Thanks!
Once again, thanks for checking out my little corner of the internet and clicking that ‘Follow’ button! It gives me the warm fuzzies!
Mr Lonely says
nice blog.. have a view of my blog when free.. .. do leave me some comment / guide if can.. if interested can follow my blog…