I didn’t send my son’s teacher a back to school gift, which I have regretted ever since. I was just completely consumed dealing with the fact that my “baby boy” was starting big boy school. I found a good opportunity to make up for it when his teacher sent home a list of supplies she was needing donated.
Two of the items requested were hand sanitizer and pencils. I thought it would be fun to personalize those, so I engraved the pencils. I have never personally engraved pencils before and I love how they turned out. EDIT: I got a question about the pencils I thought I would answer here. I bought the pencils at the grocery store and engraved them with my laser engraving machine. If you are interested in ordering some, send me an email to cuteasafoxcreations@gmail.com and I can get you a price.
Next I wanted to add some personalization to the bottle of hand sanitizer.
I bought a jumbo sized hand sanitizer and printed out what I wanted the bottle say on regular copy paper. I took it down to Office Max and they copied it onto a transparency sheet. It’s important to use a laser printer. Ink jet will come off inside the bottle.
To get the sheet in the bottle, you roll it up backwards and stuff it inside. You can use the squirt straw to move the transparency around to where you want it. This is the first time I have made an insert for hand sanitizer and I actually think that hand soap is a little easier to work with. I couldn’t get the transparency all the way to the front of the bottle and there are a few bubbles you can see between the transparency and the front of the bottle. Not a big deal at all, but soap is easier to work with.
Hopefully she likes it and can just add other bottles of hand sanitizer to this one when she runs out.
If you are interested, the font I used on the sanitizer is called Hand of Sean, which is quickly becoming my favorite font. It looks like handwriting, but is still very legible. I found it for free at dafont.com. I love browsing through all their fonts. So many awesome choices!
Don’t forget to register for the craft night coming up. Register HERE
where did you order the pencils from?
what is the brand of your laser machine, I am interested to buy and the results are just awesome!
Those turned out so cute. I would love to see a picture of your engraving machine Ü
How adorable is this??!!!! And you have a LASER ENGRAVING MACHINE? GET OUT!!!!! I am totally impressed. Love this so much!